
CCP Risk

Central counterparties are a crucial element of resilient derivatives markets. As such, one of FIA's top priorities is protecting CCPs through assessing potential risks and ensuring our markets can function in an orderly and transparent fashion even in times of stress.

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Explore FIA's Exchange Risk Controls Repository

FIA is building and maintaining a central repository of exchange-provided risk controls and practices in global cleared derivatives markets for the exclusive use of FIA members. In consultation with member firms, we developed a survey that helps provide greater transparency and facilitates risk-control benchmarking for global brokers, clearing firms, trading firms and commercial and institutional traders. This convenient centralized source of information about exchange risk controls makes it easier for firms to expand the range of markets that they use around the world.


  • Understanding the FIA Terms of Business 2018

    Are you new to the world of FIA standard derivatives clearing documentation? Have you ever been asked a question about the FIA Terms of Business 2018 and you think you could benefit from a refresher? What are FIA Indirect Clearing Terms and how can they be used in practice? What are all the different types of legal opinions that FIA makes available to members and non-members?

  • FIA seeks refinements to CME treasury clearing proposal to support FCM participation

    FIA has filed comments with the US Securities and Exchange Commission in response to CME Securities Clearing's application and proposed rules to clear cash and repo treasury transactions.

  • FIA responds to ASX consultation on default management auction framework

    FIA has submitted a response to ASX's consultation on amendments to ASX Clear operating rules, which introduce a framework for default management auctions of cleared cash market and derivatives market products.

  • Exchange Risk Controls – Overview of CME and ICE risk controls

    In July 2024, FIA unveiled its latest white paper: Best Practices for Automated Trading Risk Controls and System Safeguards. This comprehensive guide brings together FIA’s extensive research and expertise, exploring critical areas such as pre-trade risk management and exchange volatility control mechanisms.